PY 2023 WIOA Instructions:

23-01 – Priority of Service for Veterans and Spouses


PY 2022 WIOA Instructions:

22-01 Eligible Training Provider List and ITAs, updating 21-01

State Instruction Number 15-17 Change 3 Adult Priority of Service Under WIOA

22-03 Supportive Services Change, Replacing 21-08

22-04 Update for WIOA Family Income Guidelines

21-07 WIOA Obligation and Expenditure Requirements

PY 2021 WIOA Instructions:

21-01 Policy for Approving Training Programs & ITAs, Replacing 20-04

21-02 Priority of Service Under WIOA, Replacing 20-03

21-03 Supportive Services, Replacing 20-05


21-05 WIOA Data Validation Policy




PY 2018 WIOA Instructions:

18-01 WIOA Participation & Federal Student Loan Defaults

18-02 Data Changes for Workforce Programs

18-03 Required Employer Registration in SCWOS

18-04 SCWOS Scanning Uploading Document Management Process

18-05 Update for WIOA Family Income Guidelines (web)

17-07 conflict-of-interest-regarding-entities-performing-multiple-functions-17-07-accessible